scouting, training and coaching young promising football talent from Brazil
We invested in new football talent via our football school project Futebol Academia Jartazi in Sumare, Brazil. The school further developed and got later related to the professional sports club Coritiba FC with the name Escola Coxa Sumare.
Although we sold the football club just recently in 2019, we’ll stay connected to the school for scouting new talents and our support. We shall maintain to foster local potential and invest in relevant relations that benefit our whole football ecosystem on mutual grounds. Via these and other initiatives, such as our previous NGO project Fundacao Chance Real, we contribute to local growth in Brazil. Make sports – and football in particular – accessible to all young people. Hopefully we can welcome and manage some of those very young talents at our sports management agency Evytal one day.
We’re continuously looking for local and international multiple partnerships that would like to contribute and support our local Evytal Football and Social System. We positively welcome various contributive ways. If you are interested please contact us at hello@evytal.com
scouting hours

Project Fundacao Chance Real
On-the-job learning initiative for favela children in Sao Paulo
Fundacao Chance Real. We kicked-off with a media child development project in the favelas from Sao Paulo in 2014. And founding the organisation Fundacao Chance Real felt as a logical follow up. It is an on-the-job-learning project organisation for favela children helping them to get a fair chance to build a professional working career in Brazil. This FCR+ organisation helped multiple children back on track. However, we had to put it on pause in 2018 due to our refocus. As soon as we have the Evytal Football System profitable, we will continue with FCR+. We welcome solid NGO’s, corporate, SME’s and governmental partnerships for our near future continuation.

Academia de Futebol Jartazi
Football school for young sporters against affordable prices.
The football school embraced second division’s top club FC Coritiba’s football method. It became an official COXA football school in November 2018. The name has changed in Escola COXA Sumare.
The Football Club from South Brazil FC Coritiba also known as Coxa, is a well known celebration for the area. They play in the second division Serie B from the national football competition. Evytal Management was glad to get their support for their football school (Escola COXA Sumare) in Sumare, Sao Paulo (Brazil).
Elias Germano said back then at breaking dawn: “This is a fantastic step forwards. Coritiba is has many years of top football experience that we may now tap from directly. We have entered the source”.
Evytal partner Elias Germano represented the school football technically with Evytal director Sven Willemsen as strategic management on the board. It’s been happily sold to the new owner! Football first! We stay working together. We have a goal to grow to new heights with fantastic top football talent in our region.